Sunday, February 3, 2008

Best Diet for Massive and Rapid Weight Loss

What do you do when obesity runs in the family? Both of my parents, sister and many other family members are about 300 pounds. Is this heredity or will the best diet for massive and rapid weight loss counter act my family genes? I am determined not to be overweight like the rest of my family.

This picture was taken before my dad's health began to fail miserably due to unhealthy eating and lack of exercise. He died at the young age of 68. I know with my family history I have the potential to have a weight problem, which results in many other health issues. I am the smallest in this picture which shows my determination to fight the battle the bulge! Is there a best diet for massive and rapid weight loss? Does one exist? If so, does the best diet for massive and rapid weight loss work and will you keep the weight off or gain it back?

I've tried every kind of diet and have found most of them to be fads without lasting weight loss. I want the best diet for massive and rapid weight loss but it has to be healthy and simple, yet very effective. If I don't see quick results, I get discouraged and quit.

After years of down the scale and back up again, I finally found the best diet for massive and rapid weight loss that manipulates fat burning hormones and shifts calories in a perfect pattern that produces fantastic, quick, long lasting weight loss results. It truly is the best diet for massive and rapid weight loss. It's not based on low fat foods, low calorie foods, or even low carbs. It's totally different; so simple everything is computed for you; no calorie counting or label reading. The online diet generator creates an 11 day menu that your body responds to fast and you can repeat it until you reach your desired goal. You'll take a 3 day "off" period in between each 11 days on the diet. This keeps your body constantly guessing so you'll not hit a plateau as you do on most diets. You'll also be able to plan these off times for when you have a special occasion or event to attend - it's a little piece of heaven while on the diet journey!

I lost 9 pounds every 11 days until I reached my goal. It took me less than a month! The Idiot Proof Diet does all the work for you and you simply cannot fail! For truly the best diet for massive and rapid weight loss that worked for me and I know it will work for you, click on one of the underscored links in this blog.

UPDATE: I have enjoyed hearing from many of you who are exhausted in your search for the best diet for massive and rapid weight loss, but also want something healthy and are trying this wonderful program! I am thrilled to hear about your results! Hang in there and count from day one to day eleven - get on the scale - celebrate your results while on your 3 day leave, then log on your computer to print your new 11 day menu and do it again! Congrats to each of you! I knew you could do it!

1 comment:

Andre09 said...

Great blog! I have tried a lot of these methods before, but I think you should also mention built up plaque and fecal matter.
for more info =)